I love your definitions of synchronicity and serendipity and I too have a hard time telling them apart. I experience a few per day sometimes, I usually write them down. Thank you for reminding me that it truly is amazing evidence of magic! I love that! Also I love these names for Odin’s ravens. 😄
I have to get back into the practice of writing down my encounters with serendipity and synchronicity. I haven’t done it for a while, but you remind me how fun it is to see all of those things add up to a pretty magical world. 💜🐦⬛💜🐦⬛
I did not have any experience with it until about 9 months ago I got hit with a synchronicity storm. I ended up writing them down because there were probably 20-30 in a day, it actually got very scary. I thought the universe was trying to get my attention as a warning. It all ended up leading to me watching a documentary about synchronicity (unbeknownst to me which is bananas in and of itself) where they explain how synchronicity can be a magical initiation. Yes it might be trying to get your attention but it could mean you are being initiated into something new. After I settled down, I thought it was super cool and started writing them down so I could be on the lookout.
I’m the kind of person who jumps in with both feet and no life preserver so if anything, it makes me sit up and take notice so I know that something is important and needs its due diligence. Sometimes it even happens with articles I choose to write on here. Or sometimes like you said, i take it as a wink from the universe letting you know you’re still supported.
That sounds amazing! Have you written about the experience? I'd love to read it. And I'd love to know about the documentary, if you remember the name of it.
I haven’t yet! Maybe I should. The documentary is called Hellier. It’s on Prime. It’s about high strangeness and features Greg and Dana Newkirk. It’s a bit out there but how I came to it was very odd (in fact it was against the odds) and then the opening line is a definition of synchronicity and synchronicity storms. Check it out if you’re into high strangeness for sure.
I love this: »Magic is not about knowing or controlling. It’s about letting go. It’s about believing. It’s about slipping into the cosmic flow where you are connected to and in harmony with everything else...«
Where do I look for magic?
Like you, I find magic in everyday moments when I tune into the experience and let the right thing do itself.
That's such an interesting idea, Veronika. We default to assuming everything depends on us, but perhaps creating harmony is less about imposing our assumptions on the world around us, and instead learning to dance with those everyday moments until we find a flow full of right steps.
you're so welcome. The idea is not originally mine. It is a quote from F.M. Alexander, founder of the Alexander Technique (a type of body work). It became his final 'motto' in the context of his work. My husband (a trained Alexander teacher) and I use it in relation to everyday life situations, and it is surprisingly powerful.
Thank you, Claire. It was sad to know the little bee (which was, in retrospect, probably a she, not a "fella") was at the end of her days, but I was so grateful that I had the chance to bring her to a beautiful spot where she could hopefully rest easy. xo
Hello, Cynthia! I was actually thinking of your comment while I was out walking dogs this morning. I'd had to miss my morning cup of mushroom coffee (which I doctor with a generous dose of added dark chocolate cocoa powder), and your comment popped into my head and made me think, "She's right. Coffee IS magic!"
I LOVE ALL OF THIS! I so connect with magic and awe of nature. The smallest of miracles can really uplift my mood - dew on a flower, having the sun hit the water in a certain way, the smell of rain on pavement at the beginning of spring, wet leaves on a cool fall day. Allowing us to embrace our senses and recognize the smallest beauty can really uplift my mood. xo
I feel the same way. I am constantly being distracted and delighted by all kinds of small natural wonders when I'm out walking dogs. 😉 It might be hard work sometimes, but I am always grateful that it gets me outside almost every day. There's so much I'd miss otherwise!
I felt this line so deeply - "Sometimes, it’s hearing a song with lyrics that answer a question I’d only asked in my heart." How often do I feel like answers come to me from unexpected places to questions I sometimes don't even know I've asked at a conscious level, but clearly have subconsciously. It IS magic and asking "Why?" just ruins it. Surrender instead. 🫶
I'm so glad that connected for you, Jess. On a related note, my beau smiles every time he hears Sting's song, "Fields of Gold," because he knows it's a message from his sister who passed away almost twenty years ago now. It's not a song that gets a lot of airtime on the radio, but it consistently crops up at the most appropriate times.
Sometimes we get so wrapped up in "life" that we forget that magic exists. Only when we remind ourselves are we open to experience it, and then we remember that life is magic and magic is life.
I find magic in nature, and in "coincidences." When I see a flock of geese heading south for the winter, and I think about how they know where they are going without maps or iPhones. And when a friend I was thinking of texts me in that moment, even though we haven't talked in a while.
Coincidence is at the heart of my own understanding of magic, too, Tim. I think it feels this way because it's like getting a glimpse of how all the pieces of the world fit together, even though we can only ever see a tiny sliver of reality at any given time.
So very true, Rachel. I love that you said we need to "make them." I do feel like magic is a participatory thing, and that - as such - we have a part to play. It's not just about finding the magic or even recognizing it. It'a also about making it - for ourselves and for others. Thank you!
As an aside, I wrote a column and I decided at the last minute to add “magic” as an ingredient. The next thing I knew, I saw the word or reference to magic popping up all over, like magic!❤️💫
The line that really resonated with me was, 'To experience magic, you have to surrender to it.' It's a powerful reminder that magic isn't something we can control or manipulate. It's about letting go of our expectations and allowing ourselves to be surprised by the unexpected. It's about embracing the unknown and trusting that the universe has our back.
I agree with Eileen - love the idea of the Universe having our back. Embracing the unknown is a scary and difficult thing, but - oh! - the worlds that open up when you can look at things with trust and an open heart. Thanks for being here!
Oh, Eileen. Thank you for such kind words of encouragement. Sometimes when I put something out there, I wonder, "Will anyone get this, or will they just think I'm weird?" It's always a relief when someone else says, "Yes! Me too!" So glad you got to catch the last act of the sunset. Here's to collecting bits of real magic every day!
What a beautiful image, Mike! And I feel honored that my words were - even for a moment - your traveling companion. Where are we going? 😁 I often find that magic appears the moment I slow down ... such as when you've settled into your seat on an airplane and suddenly have nothing to do other than look out the window. I wonder just how much magic is lost in the everyday hustle and bustle because we can't slow down enough to notice it.
I love your definitions of synchronicity and serendipity and I too have a hard time telling them apart. I experience a few per day sometimes, I usually write them down. Thank you for reminding me that it truly is amazing evidence of magic! I love that! Also I love these names for Odin’s ravens. 😄
I have to get back into the practice of writing down my encounters with serendipity and synchronicity. I haven’t done it for a while, but you remind me how fun it is to see all of those things add up to a pretty magical world. 💜🐦⬛💜🐦⬛
I did not have any experience with it until about 9 months ago I got hit with a synchronicity storm. I ended up writing them down because there were probably 20-30 in a day, it actually got very scary. I thought the universe was trying to get my attention as a warning. It all ended up leading to me watching a documentary about synchronicity (unbeknownst to me which is bananas in and of itself) where they explain how synchronicity can be a magical initiation. Yes it might be trying to get your attention but it could mean you are being initiated into something new. After I settled down, I thought it was super cool and started writing them down so I could be on the lookout.
I’m the kind of person who jumps in with both feet and no life preserver so if anything, it makes me sit up and take notice so I know that something is important and needs its due diligence. Sometimes it even happens with articles I choose to write on here. Or sometimes like you said, i take it as a wink from the universe letting you know you’re still supported.
That sounds amazing! Have you written about the experience? I'd love to read it. And I'd love to know about the documentary, if you remember the name of it.
I haven’t yet! Maybe I should. The documentary is called Hellier. It’s on Prime. It’s about high strangeness and features Greg and Dana Newkirk. It’s a bit out there but how I came to it was very odd (in fact it was against the odds) and then the opening line is a definition of synchronicity and synchronicity storms. Check it out if you’re into high strangeness for sure.
I love this: »Magic is not about knowing or controlling. It’s about letting go. It’s about believing. It’s about slipping into the cosmic flow where you are connected to and in harmony with everything else...«
Where do I look for magic?
Like you, I find magic in everyday moments when I tune into the experience and let the right thing do itself.
" ... let the right thing do itself."
That's such an interesting idea, Veronika. We default to assuming everything depends on us, but perhaps creating harmony is less about imposing our assumptions on the world around us, and instead learning to dance with those everyday moments until we find a flow full of right steps.
Thank you for sharing!
you're so welcome. The idea is not originally mine. It is a quote from F.M. Alexander, founder of the Alexander Technique (a type of body work). It became his final 'motto' in the context of his work. My husband (a trained Alexander teacher) and I use it in relation to everyday life situations, and it is surprisingly powerful.
How beautiful - and your story about the bee made me tear up. What a lovely photo, too!
Thank you, Claire. It was sad to know the little bee (which was, in retrospect, probably a she, not a "fella") was at the end of her days, but I was so grateful that I had the chance to bring her to a beautiful spot where she could hopefully rest easy. xo
My favorite everyday magic is coffee. They are magic beans and they undergo a magical process. And the first sip of the first cup a sacred experience
Hello, Cynthia! I was actually thinking of your comment while I was out walking dogs this morning. I'd had to miss my morning cup of mushroom coffee (which I doctor with a generous dose of added dark chocolate cocoa powder), and your comment popped into my head and made me think, "She's right. Coffee IS magic!"
I LOVE ALL OF THIS! I so connect with magic and awe of nature. The smallest of miracles can really uplift my mood - dew on a flower, having the sun hit the water in a certain way, the smell of rain on pavement at the beginning of spring, wet leaves on a cool fall day. Allowing us to embrace our senses and recognize the smallest beauty can really uplift my mood. xo
Thank you, DeeDee! 😁
I feel the same way. I am constantly being distracted and delighted by all kinds of small natural wonders when I'm out walking dogs. 😉 It might be hard work sometimes, but I am always grateful that it gets me outside almost every day. There's so much I'd miss otherwise!
I felt this line so deeply - "Sometimes, it’s hearing a song with lyrics that answer a question I’d only asked in my heart." How often do I feel like answers come to me from unexpected places to questions I sometimes don't even know I've asked at a conscious level, but clearly have subconsciously. It IS magic and asking "Why?" just ruins it. Surrender instead. 🫶
I'm so glad that connected for you, Jess. On a related note, my beau smiles every time he hears Sting's song, "Fields of Gold," because he knows it's a message from his sister who passed away almost twenty years ago now. It's not a song that gets a lot of airtime on the radio, but it consistently crops up at the most appropriate times.
Such a beautiful song. I love that it brings him her voice. 💞
Sometimes we get so wrapped up in "life" that we forget that magic exists. Only when we remind ourselves are we open to experience it, and then we remember that life is magic and magic is life.
"... life is magic and magic is life."
I love that!
It is easy to forget, especially when there isn't any time to slow down, catch your breath, and think your own thoughts for a minute. xo
I find magic in nature, and in "coincidences." When I see a flock of geese heading south for the winter, and I think about how they know where they are going without maps or iPhones. And when a friend I was thinking of texts me in that moment, even though we haven't talked in a while.
Coincidence is at the heart of my own understanding of magic, too, Tim. I think it feels this way because it's like getting a glimpse of how all the pieces of the world fit together, even though we can only ever see a tiny sliver of reality at any given time.
Yes, the more I look for it the more I find it. The connections are there; it’s up to us to make them.
And, sometimes, it’s just the little things.💫✨
So very true, Rachel. I love that you said we need to "make them." I do feel like magic is a participatory thing, and that - as such - we have a part to play. It's not just about finding the magic or even recognizing it. It'a also about making it - for ourselves and for others. Thank you!
As an aside, I wrote a column and I decided at the last minute to add “magic” as an ingredient. The next thing I knew, I saw the word or reference to magic popping up all over, like magic!❤️💫
That happens to me all the time, and it always makes me smile!
The line that really resonated with me was, 'To experience magic, you have to surrender to it.' It's a powerful reminder that magic isn't something we can control or manipulate. It's about letting go of our expectations and allowing ourselves to be surprised by the unexpected. It's about embracing the unknown and trusting that the universe has our back.
I agree with Eileen - love the idea of the Universe having our back. Embracing the unknown is a scary and difficult thing, but - oh! - the worlds that open up when you can look at things with trust and an open heart. Thanks for being here!
So true...the Universe has our back. 💖
Dear Jamie,
This is so simply beautiful
I love the story of the bee! I teared up!
Yes, I see wonder in the small things, in nature, in serendipity and in synchronicity.
Life is way to brief to miss the real magic and wonder of what is right in front of us!
I glimpsed the remnants of our sunset tonight, and am grateful for my comfy sofa by the window.
Oh, Eileen. Thank you for such kind words of encouragement. Sometimes when I put something out there, I wonder, "Will anyone get this, or will they just think I'm weird?" It's always a relief when someone else says, "Yes! Me too!" So glad you got to catch the last act of the sunset. Here's to collecting bits of real magic every day!
Absolutely...bits of real magic...every day!💖💖
What a beautiful image, Mike! And I feel honored that my words were - even for a moment - your traveling companion. Where are we going? 😁 I often find that magic appears the moment I slow down ... such as when you've settled into your seat on an airplane and suddenly have nothing to do other than look out the window. I wonder just how much magic is lost in the everyday hustle and bustle because we can't slow down enough to notice it.
Thanks for sharing - made me think!